Carcinoid Syndrome

Carcinoid syndrome is a cancer condition that makes and releases certain chemicals into your blood and is a common complication of enteropancreatic-NETs.1 This occurs when a functional tumour secretes certain chemicals into your bloodstream.1 Carcinoid syndrome occurs in about 10% of people with NETs.1

Symptoms to watch for

The signs and symptoms of carcinoid syndrome depend on which chemicals the carcinoid tumour secretes into your bloodstream.

The most common signs and symptoms include:2

  • Episodes of skin flushing where the skin on your face and chest feels hot and changes to a pink or purple colour
  • The appearance of purplish areas of spiderlike veins on the nose and upper lip (facial skin lesions)
  • Diarrhea
  • Difficulty breathing, wheezing, or shortness of breath
  • Periods of a fast heart rate


  1. Canadian Cancer Society. Carcinoid Syndrome. Available at: Last Accessed: November 2024
  2. Mayo Clinic. Carcinoid syndrome. Available at: Last Accessed: November 2024