Primary Biliary Cholangitis

Monitoring PBC

What to look our for

ALP and bilirubin are key markers of PBC progression1,2

  • Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme found in the liver, bones, kidneys and digestive system
  • An abnormally high level can indicate liver damage and serve as an early warning sign that PBC may be present
  • Continually elevated ALP levels can mean that damage is occurring and the disease is progressing

What are your ALP levels?

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  • Bilirubin is a waste product produced from the breakdown of red blood cells (RBC); more specifically, it is the product of heme metabolism – which is the component of RBCs that bind oxygen
  • After heme metabolism, bilirubin is absorbed and excreted by the liver
  • Under normal conditions, there is still a small amount of bilirubin in the blood (also called serum bilirubin); however, conditions such as liver dysfunction may result in increased serum bilirubin

What are your bilirubin levels?

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What is a FibroScan®?4

A FibroScan is a non-invasive abdominal ultrasound that is used to measure the stiffness or scarring of the liver.

FibroScan tests can be used alone or in combination with other diagnostic tests (i.e., biopsy, blood tests, and ultrasounds).

It is also important to monitor liver scarring (i.e., fibrosis). To assess liver damage, a FibroScan® test may be performed.4

How does a FibroScan® work?4

FibroScan tests use sound and pressure waves – not radiation. You may feel a “knocking” while the test is being performed, which only takes a few minutes.

What is your FibroScan®/liver stiffness score?5

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  1. Canadian PBC Society. Bloodwork. Avaliable at: Last Accessed: November 2024
  2. Canadian Liver Foundation. Primary Biliary Cholangitis. Available at: Last Accessed: November 2024
  3. Canadian Liver Foundation. Liver function tests. Available at: Last Accessed: November 2024
  4. Canadian PBC Society. What is PBC? Avaliable at: Last Accessed: November 2024
  5. European Association for the study of the liver. EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on non-invasive tests for evaluation of liver disease severity and prognosis – 2021 update. J Hepatol 2021;75:659–689.