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Treating GEP-NETs

Once you’ve been diagnosed, and your doctor knows more detail about your case, they can put together a treatment plan for you.

How a neuroendocrine tumour is treated will depend on your individual circumstances, such as:1

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Stage and grade of the tumour

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General health of the patient

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Treatment might include one, two or more different elements, each working to attack the tumour and/or improve your symptoms in different ways:1,2

  • Surgery – to remove all or some of the tumour, and ease some symptoms
  • Radiotherapy – which helps to kill off tumour cells
  • Chemotherapy – drugs used to help kill off tumour cells
  • Medications

If your GEP-NET is small and has not spread, surgery can usually remove the tumour completely, and you won’t need any further treatment. If the GEP-NET has spread to other parts of the body (metastasised), the treatments you have will be designed to help reduce your symptoms and give you a better quality of life.


  1. NHS. Neuroendocrine tumours. Available at: Last accessed September 2020.
  2. CRUK. Surgery types. Available at: Last accessed September 2020.