Fatigue, or extreme tiredness, is one of the most common symptoms experienced by people with PBC.1-5
- Fatigue related to PBC is different from fatigue that is not caused by a medical condition
- Fatigue can range from weariness to complete exhaustion. It becomes an obstacle when performing everyday activities, such as preparing a meal, climbing stairs, doing housework, washing or getting dressed
- With PBC, fatigue may sometimes start after a surgery
- Treatment and certain techniques may help you cope
To help manage fatigue, try:1
Make time to rest during the day or week, but also before and after a tiring activity.
- The duration of rest varies from person to person
- Although rest limits fatigue, prolonged lack of activity can result in additional fatigue
Adjusting your hobbies or daily activities to match your energy level
Don’t force yourself to do anything that you don’t feel physically able to do.
Keeping naps short
Napping is great, but napping for too long or too often during the day can disrupt nighttime sleep and increase fatigue that does not give way to rest.
Learn to relax with activities that provide a sense of well-being and pleasure (massage, drawing, hands-on or creative activities, gardening, etc.) and therapies that allow you to let go (relaxation, meditations, etc.).
Pacing your activities
Don’t do too much at one time. Taking breaks between activities can help preserve your energy.
Talking to your friends and family
Help them understand what you are experiencing and how they can help.
Trying daily aerobic exercises
Low impact activities, such as walking or swimming, can help you increase your fitness without becoming exhausted.
Canadian Liver Foundation. Primary Biliary Cholangitis. Available at:https://www.liver.ca/patients-caregivers/liver-diseases/primary-biliary-cholangitis/ Last accessed: November 2023.
Canadian PBC Society. Managing PBC Symptoms. Available at:https://pbc-society.ca/managing-pbc-symptoms/ Last accessed: November 2023.
Abbas et al. Fatigue in primary biliary cirrhosis. Nat Review Gastroenterol Hepatol 2010;7;313-319.
Cauch-Dudek et al. Fatigue in primary biliary cirrhosis. Gut 1998;43;705-710.
Living with PBC. Symptom Information. Available at:https://www.livingwithpbc.com/symptom-information/ Last accessed: November 2023.