

There are several treatment options for acromegaly, and it is good to know that the majority of people can be successfully treated.1

ADVZ body treating acromegaly

Which treatment plan is best for you will depend on the results from your acromegaly tests; where and how large the tumour is, and the levels of growth hormone being released.2 You may also have a combination of treatments, surgery followed by medicines for example.

Whatever treatment you have, the aim is to:3

  • Reduce growth hormone production to normal levels
  • Relieve the pressure the tumour may be putting on the surrounding area
  • Treat any hormone deficiencies
  • Improve your symptoms


  1. The Pituitary Society. Acromegaly treatment. Available at: Last accessed September 2020.
  2. Endocrine Web. Acromegaly surgery. Available at: Last accessed September 2020.
  3. NHS England. Acromegaly. Available at: Last accessed September 2020.