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Helping others understand GEP-NETs

If you have been struggling with the symptoms of your GEP-NETs for some time, you may feel frustrated, but also relieved, to finally have a diagnosis. Your friends and family may also be glad to have some answers. How much information you share is up to you, but it is good to let the people around you know what you are going through so they can offer support.

At first it might be easiest to share any leaflets your doctor has given you, or direct them to this website, and allow time to take in all the information and what diagnosis means for you. Talking openly about your GEP-NETs might also help reduce any feelings of isolation and give you a chance to share any worries or questions you might have, or feelings about the journey you might have been on to get to this diagnosis.

It's important to let people know that GEP-NETs don’t affect who you are as a person, and remember that your close friends and family will want to support you along the way. Let people know what they can do to help you, and always try to keep the lines of communication open, so that everyone is able to share how they feel.