Although acromegaly is a rare disease, you are definitely not alone. Around the world as many as 1 million people have acromegaly,* and every year between 16,000 and 86,000 people receive an acromegaly diagnosis.1
Many people feel it helps to learn as much as possible about their condition, hear about the experiences of other sufferers, and to share stories. There are several patient support groups available where you can find information on acromegaly, details of treatments and, if you want to, reach out to others.
Acromegaly Canada
Acromegaly Canada aims to raise awareness of acromegaly and gigantism through education while providing a network of support for their families across Canada.
Acromegaly Community
Designed to provide the emotional support of a community alongside medical information, the Acromegaly Community website has details of doctors worldwide that are familiar with acromegaly, its diagnosis and treatment.
*Based on prevalence of 133 per million and global population of 7.8 billion1
Orphanet. The portal for rare diseases and orphan drugs - acromegaly. Available at:https://www.orpha.net/consor/cgi-bin/OC_Exp.php?Lng=GB&Expert=963. Last Accessed: November 2024